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英语小故事带翻译50字(英文故事短篇 3-5分钟)

伱富生活 7个月前 (03-05) 阅读数 57 #故事

英语小故事带翻译50字 第1篇

Catching a Thief

Witty Hare can run very fast. One day when he gets home. He sees a rat. The rat is jumping down his window. “Oh. A thief!” Witty Hare shouted and catches the rat, “You can’t run faster then me.” Soon Witty Hare catches up with the rat, and the rat is left behind, “I must run away,’ the rat says and laughs, “He is so silly.”

Witty Hare goes on running. A sheep sees him and asks him, “What a re you doing?” “I’m catching the thief.” Witty Hare says. “ Thief? Where’s the thief?” the sheep fells surprised. “He’s behind me ,”Witty Hare says proudly.

机灵的兔子跑得很快。一天,她回到家的时候看见一只老鼠。这只老鼠正从它家的窗户跳下去。“啊! 贼!”机灵兔子喊着追过去。 “你跑不过我的!” 不一会它追上了老鼠,还把老鼠丢在后面。“我得赶紧逃。”老鼠窃笑着说:“这家伙真笨。”

机灵兔子继续跑着。一只绵羊看到了就问它:“你在干什么?”“我在追贼。”机灵兔子说。“贼?贼在哪里啊?”绵羊感到奇怪。 “它在我后面呢。”机灵兔子自豪地说着。

英语小故事带翻译50字 第2篇

She plays hide and seek. She plays with her brothers and sisters. She plays with her friends. They play after school. They play outdoors. One person is ‘it.’ He or she closes his or her eyes. He or she counts to 100. The other players hide somewhere nearby. Then the ‘it’ person tries to find the others.


英语小故事带翻译50字 第3篇


There was once an Astronomer whosehabit it was to go out at night and observee stars. One night, as he was walking about outside the town gates, gazing up absorbed into the sky and not looking where he was going, he fell into a dry well As he lay there groaning, some one passing by heard him, and, coming to th edge of the well, looked down and, on learning what had happened, said, ”If you really mean to say that you were looking so hard at the sky that you didn’t even see where your feet were carrying you alongthe ground, it appears to me that you deserve all you’ve got.”


英语小故事带翻译50字 第4篇

a pigeon(鸽子)

a pigeon, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders.

moral:zeal should not outrun discretion.



英语小故事带翻译50字 第5篇

A guy goes to visit his grandma and he brings his friend with him.


While he's talking to his grandma, his friend starts eating the peanuts on the coffee table, and finishes them off.


As they're leaving, his friend says to his grandma, _Thanks for the peanuts._


She says, _Yeah, since I lost my dentures I can only suck the chocolate off._


英语小故事带翻译50字 第6篇

Fox is with the grape

Hungry of the fox see the grape to up hang the radiant and extremely keen grape of a string, saliva direct current, and want to pick to eat, but again

Can not take in a short while, helplessly walked, and his side walk the side oneself to fort to by oneself say:_ this grape have noes familiar, affirmative Is sour._

This is to say, and the some person's ability is small, and do to not acplish anything, borrow to say the opportune moment immaturity.





英语小故事带翻译50字 第7篇

An eagle was flying in the sky. As soon as it saw a rabbit, it swooped down on its prey.


Suddenly it was hit by an arrow.


It fluttered slowly down to the earth, and blood was pouring from the wound.


When the eagle looked down, he found that the shaft of the arrow was feathered with one of its own plumes. “Alas!” it cried. “We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction.”


英语小故事带翻译50字 第8篇

She loves Disneyland. She wants to live at Disneyland. She wants to visit Disneyland every day. Her parents take her to Disneyland every year. She has fun at Disneyland. She sees Mickey Mouse. She goes on many rides. She has fun on the rides. She wants to ride them again and again.


英语小故事带翻译50字 第9篇

An old lion who had no energy to hunt thinks it can get its food with its wisdom.


So, it digs a hole, lies down and pretends to be sick. If other animal come to see what's the matter with the lion he eats them. So, some animals were eaten by the lion. The fox sees through the trap, it stands near the hole and the look at the state of the lion's body. The lion says: I feel sick. It asks why the fox doesn't come in the hole. The fox answers: Maybe I would if I didn't see thouse footprints which show some animals havewalked in but they haven't come out.

于是啊,他钻进一个山洞里,躺在地上假装生病,等其他的小动物走过来窥探,就把她们抓住吃了。这样,不少的动物都被狮子吃掉了。狐狸识破了狮子的诡计,远远的站在洞外,问狮子身体现在如何。狮子回答说:嗨哟,很不好啊! 反问狐狸为什么不进洞里来。狐狸说道:如果我没发现只有进去的脚印,没有一个出来的脚印,我也许会进洞去。

The story tells us that the wise man foresees the danger and escapes frome it


英语小故事带翻译50字 第10篇

公牛与小牛The Bull and the Calf

A full-grown Bull was struggling to force his huge bulk through the narrow entrance to a cow-house where his stall was, when a young Calf came up and said to him, “If you’ll step aside a moment, I’ ll show you the way to get through.” The Bull turned upon him an amused look. “I knew that way,” said he, “before you were born.”


英语小故事带翻译50字 第11篇

A Courageous Woman


A woman and her husband interrupted their vacation to go to the dentist.


"I want a tooth pulled, and I don’t want Novocain because I’m in a big hurry,"the woman said.


The dentist was quite impressed."You’re certainly a courageous woman,"he said."Which tooth is it?"


The woman turned to her husband and said,"Show him your tooth dear."


英语小故事带翻译50字 第12篇

Long ago,there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealingfood.

One day the mice had a meetingto talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this,, andsome said that.

At last a young mouse gotup, and said that he had a good idea.

_We could tie a bellaround the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound ofthe bell, and run away._

Everyone approved of thisproposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, _That is all very well,but who will tie the bell to the cat?_ The mice looked at each other, butnobody spoke.






英语小故事带翻译50字 第13篇

He loves chocolate. He loves milk chocolate. He loves dark chocolate. He eats chocolate candy bars. He eats chocolate fudge. He eats chocolate chip cookies. He eats chocolate cake. He eats chocolate cupcakes. He eats chocolate ice cream. He eats chocolate pudding. He drinks chocolate milk. He eats chocolate every day. Chocolate is the best!





