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伱富生活 9个月前 (12-22) 阅读数 78 #生活

plus是什么意思 第1篇

B:Im calling to discuss the level of insurance coverage youve requested for your order.


A:I believe that we have requested an amount twenty-five percent above the invoice value?


B:Yes, thats right. We have no problem in complying with your request, but we think that the amount is a bit excessive.


A:Weve had a lot of trouble in the past with damaged goods.



B:I can understand your concern. However, the normal coverage for goods of this type is to insure them for the total invoice amount plus ten percent.


A:We would feel more comfortable with the additional protection.


B:Unfortunately, if you want to increase the coverage, we will have to charge you extra for the additional cost.


A:But the insurance was supposed to be included in the quotation.



B:Yes, but we quoted you normal coverage at regular rates.


A:I see.



B:We can, however, arrange the extra coverage. But I suggest you contact your insurance agent there and compare rates.


A:Youre right. It might be cheaper on this end.


B:Fax me whatever rates you find there and Ill compare them with what we can offer.



1. 加上:(2)服务发现:以如下的输入为基础,相应的响应被提供: --网络层地址加上(plus)活动的端点查询类型--指定设备将返回在那个设备 里的所有应用的端点数. --网络层地址或广播地址 (任何广播地址类型) 加上服务匹配,

2. 加强版:三月份长期5月5日凌晨消息,据国外媒体报道,继4月16日宣布停止免费服务后,美国社交网站平台Ning今天正式宣布推出三种付费模式,包括Ning迷你版(Mini)、Ning加强版(Plus)和Ning专业版(Pro),收费介于每月3美元到50美元之间.

3. 增强版:利用Real Producer可以将诸如avi、mov、qt、wav等常见多媒体文件格式转换成rm(ra)文件,但不支持微软的asf和wmv格式,增强版(plus)可支持MPEG格式. 利用Real Producer也可以把外部设备(摄像机、麦可风等)获取到的信息直接制作成rm文件,

4. plus:program library update system; 程式馆更新系统

5. plus:part library usage and supply; 零件库的使用和供应


1. Kyungin Korean company's high-Series Light reactive, colors K - HL Red Yellow Blue, plus two monochrome high-Light gray and purple, a total of five varieties.


2. Plus we have players on the sideline waiting to come in - Ole since he`s come back, and who`s been scoring again; Gaby too.


3. And dye. The results from the whole experiments and sensitometric results from these emulsions showed: 1 that sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA on silver bromide emulsion was affirmed; 2 That a cooperation sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, sulfur plus gold, and dye could be carried out to make a higher level of sensitization; 3 That a cooperation sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, on the basis of and dye, with oxalate-doped was carried out to make a higher level of sensitization without any increase in the level of fog.


4. 5 Negotiable insurance policy/certificate in duplicate by People`s Insurance Co. of China incorporating their ocean marine cargo clauses and war risks from China to Waterloo Ontario for 110% of invoice value, plus 23% for duty, additional cost of insurance is for buyer`s account and to be drawn under this credit.



5. Synergy of Recombinant Enhancin of Trichoplusia ni Granulovirus; 2. The synergy of honey and cabbage filtrate on Autographa Californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus and Bacillus thringiensis against the larvae of plus agnate was studied.

室内以蜂蜜和新鲜小白菜汁分别添饲银纹夜蛾幼虫,测定了其对AcNPV和Bt的增效作用,结果表明:在中低浓度AcNPV时,蜂蜜和新鲜小白菜汁液刺激银纹夜蛾幼虫初期取食,其感染后前3 d的粪便量比只有AcNPV处理的增加34。

6. plus的反义词

6. Inevitably there will be scars and discoloration, plus a lot of pain.


7. Test result showed that the high temperature stability of the mixture after proper dosage of Gilsonite being added as modifie.

研究采用不同掺量北美岩沥青添加剂Aggcote plus,在高温条件下对集料进行预拌裹覆以改善集料与沥青胶结料之间的粘附界面,然后再添加滨州70号基质沥青拌制成沥青混合料,并研究其路用性能。


8. Open-ended loans often have variable interest rates, which are normally the prime interest rate plus a nominal profit margin.


9. Application sunny morning, the containers of the goods plus Add 5-10 times the water-soluble, water 5-10 minutesbody of water in bays, shallow water, such as the Treasury Department branch spilled, thrown in the upstream river.


10. Once the property plus interest will become slow down most of the assets?



11. The work gets progressively harder and students know that they must write at least six government exams plus have a high mark in their English Course.


12. plus的近义词

12. The only thing I don't like about it is the slightly obvious sunscreen smell, plus it's a tad greasy when you first apply it. However, that's not a big deal to me.


13. plus的解释

13. Binks SG-2 Plus Steadi-Grip non-agitated 2 quart pressure cup is ideal for component spraying and small batch production.

宾克斯法兴- 2加Steadi握不激动2夸脱压力杯是理想的喷涂元件和小批量生产。

14. Binks SG-2 Plus Steadi-Grip paddle agitated 2 quart pressure cup is ideal for component spraying and small batch production.

宾克斯法兴- 2加Steadi握桨搅拌2夸脱压力杯是理想的喷涂元件和小批量生产。

15. Yes. Plus which, you've got this, I don't know, this squirmy quality..


16. Objective:To explore the clinical efficacy of single cage plus unilateral pedicle screw placement for the treatment of lumbar degenerative instability.


17. Plus, I'm one-sixteenth Portuguese.


18. plus

18. Lens, plano-convex lens, double-convex lens, plano-concave lens, double-concave lens, plus/minus Meniscus Lens.


19. It's important when borrowing parts from other planes to use all damage versions of those parts, like WingLOut_D0, D1, D2, and D3, plus D_CAP. Otherwise you'll get some strange effects from damage, like a mossie wing suddenly turning into a Bf-110 wing...

当你从其他机型借用某一部分的时候注意要使用这个部分的全部损伤模型如外段机翼的D0,D1,D2,D3,还有 D_CAP,不然损伤的时候就会很奇怪,比如中弹前是335的,中弹后就变成110的了

20. As the business climate along local business: plus located on the 2nd line of traffic along the superior position, as many have entered Shanghai foreign-choice for enterprises.


1. 加;加上

You say plus to show that one number or quantity is being added to another.


. Send a cheque for £ plus £2 for postage and packing...


. They will pay about $673 million plus interest.


2. 正(数)的;在零以上的

Plus before a number or quantity means that the number or quantity is greater than zero.


. The aircraft was subjected to temperatures of minus 65 degrees and plus 120 degrees.


3. 而且;还有

You can use plus when mentioning an additional item or fact.

. There's easily enough room for two adults and three children, plus a dog in the boot...


. We had to have an actor who could generate real empathy. Plus he had to carry the audience through a lot of plot.


4. (用于数字或数量后)多于…的

You use plus after a number or quantity to indicate that the actual number or quantity is greater than the one mentioned.

. There are only 35 staff to serve 30,000-plus customers...


. Among the guests were 16 high-flying executives, all on salaries of £50,000 a year plus.


5. (用于给学生作业评分)好于…的,高于…的

Teachers use plus in grading work in schools and colleges. 'B plus' is a better grade than 'B', but it is not as good as 'A'.


6. 有利因素;好处

A plus is an advantage or benefit.

. Experience of any career in sales is a big plus...


. There are plenty of plus points about being an older first-time mum.


1. This cluster of a baker's dozen plus nightspots is heavily gimmicky, but there's something fun for everyone among the particularly thematic watering holes found here.

2. Dickson said Disney will get good buzz for encouraging volunteerism plus free publicity from the nonprofits that benefit.

3. Plus, how many lazy Pavlovian scares does Aja throw out in the first act?

4. The notes are currently rated _ BB minus _ by Standard & Poor's and _ B plus _ by Fitch.

5. Some athletes will combat temperatures of 40 degrees C plus by dunking their hands in iced water just before competing.

6. The two began experimenting eight weeks ago after Voltz learned that cola plus candy equals a frothy mess.

7. It has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, slightly larger for the 790 with credit cards.

8. A forum of six Arab states plus Turkey has urged Israel to halt all settlement activity so Mideast peace negotiations can resume.

9. A leader of the tour group paid the money to the store plus compensation to the female cashier surnamed Huang.

10. Another casino opened in January and five more are slated to open this year, plus as many as nine next year.

plus是什么意思 第2篇

1. involving advantage or good

. a plus (or positive) factor

Synonym: positive

2. on the positive side or higher end of a scale

. a plus value

temperature of plus 5 degrees

a grade of C plus

plus是什么意思 第3篇

A:Yes? May I help you?


B:Id like to rent a car, please. I need it for business.


A:I see. May I have your drivers license?


B:Here it is.


A:What type of car did you want, sir?


B:A small one will do. What is your best rate?


A:We have a mideweek special. Its 12 dollars a day, 12 cents a mile, plus gas.


B:OK. Ill take that one.


A:Very good. Please fill out this form.





